Leon Vynehall Is My Therapist

music therapy Publish: Fri, March 01 2024

Leon Vynehall in 2018 -Photo by Phil Sharp Leon Vynehall in 2018 -Photo by Phil Sharp

Little wiggles

When I think about music, I feel something that is more than just a conscious thought. This almost instinctual sensation moves me on a physical level. I can either choose to ignore it or harmonize with it. I say “or” because for people like me, it’s not always possible to ignore it. There are times that even if I somehow manage to ignore it, I still harmonize with it.

Little wiggles, bigger wiggles, subordinate wiggles, pulses, signals, oscillations, waves, patterns, beats, melodies, orbits, days, nights, birth then death, breathing in, breathing out.

How far must you stand beside yourself before you see the ritual of the ego?

These are the introspections of thoughts that I’ve found a space to have thanks to music.

Some believe music started more as a mantra, and that we have never really moved that far from that original use.

I think listening to music is a subconscious or directly conscious behavior to modulate yourself and perspective. Just like why some people take stimulants to accelerate their thoughts or why others take sedatives who wish to hide from their own thoughts.

I found that the medium of media I consume more than anything else is music. I surround myself with music almost every moment I’m in solitude. I’ve listened to almost every genre there is, but I find myself listening to the same style of music, and I know exactly why. I’m using music to cope with what I’m seeing in the world today.

Thank you Leon Vynehall, I guess you should send me a medical bill.

In around late 2019 my life changed significantly and I have since become almost disabled. I’ve yet to claim disablity at current moment because I’m not fucking done yet and I’ll give up when I’m dead. Regardless of what life has instore for me I find I have constructed a lifestyle around listening to music that not only helps me get into the mood for any aspect of activities but I’ve most often found it to by my therapist.

Movements is profound.

I don’t know what to say other than it still works for me. Just like a light switch. From the horns to the piano this track irons my thoughts flat, like a sedative for the soul.

I’m not a creative, I create space for creativity to happen.

It’s the time and the place. If we can’t control the time, than we go to controlling the place. The state of our mind is a place in time. We choose to be happy or sad based on the place we choose to leave our state of mind in. Since time has great inflaunce of the place we seek to find our way to ride the wave as they say. Harmanizing and synchronizing we ride the line and follow the patterns.

The coming together of inner and outer events in time means that a person is internally prepared to meet an external event by rendering it possible to perceive and act in a way that corresponds to its nature and its place in the world.

What we do

It’s just sounds at the end of the day but it’s saying something to me.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q86g1aop6a8&ab_channel=JackAssir The best comment IMO:

Aphex plays 3 notes and the internet is all like 😭

It’s true though that song has long running play loops I’m sure I’m not the only one how has spent a few hours in listing to this track. Stone in focus is a very instresting song to me. Besides the facts Aphex Twin is one of the first electronic artist I was introduced to as a younger person (1993 🤔) or that their style has a huge range of genres, that perticual track does have people I would assume using it for self healing not because they are a techno music junkies such as myself.

I personally am always drawn in by the first sounds of the sub-bass and kicks.

One day I’m just noodling about on google and search “40hz” and I see a few intresting looking headlines.

40 Hz vibrations reduce Alzheimer’s pathology, symptoms in mouse models https://news.mit.edu/2023/40-hz-vibrations-reduce-alzheimers-pathology-symptoms-mouse-models-0605


The 40 Hz Frequency - Gamma Waves for Focus Concentration Memory - Brain Wave Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skmo9_u_5Jk

Along with loads of other simuluar type links in relationship meditative type therapy as it relates to sound.

I can’t speak to what holds true as acual medicne vs placebo or just opinion but I don’t think all these people made up whatever it was that lead them to this point of thinking in the first place. There is something there whether or not we understand it yet.

A final word of warning

I will leave you with this last bit by Alan Watts - Thinking Too Much